Easy Areas Of Your Home You Can Fall Clean In 20 Minutes Or Less

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Did you know that you can Fall clean in 20 minutes or less with certain areas of your home? Often, we get overwhelmed when you are faced with a daunting task like some kind of deep cleaning of our homes. To help combat that, I am sharing some easy tips to accomplish small jobs that will make a big difference.

Fall Clean In 20 minutes or less

Fall cleaning can be a daunting task, especially if you are working outside the home. It is even harder if you are also caring for an elderly parent in their home. I created a guide for Fall cleaning for busy women that I hope you find useful.

This post concentrates on what you can Fall clean in 20 minutes or less.

Store Away Warm-Weather Clothing

After a long summer filled with short sleeves, it’s hard to say goodbye to sundresses and sandals. However, if you are from an area that gets cold in the winter, make sure to store any warm-weather clothes you aren’t using.

Fall Clean in 20 minutes your closet

One of the easy things I have done when it comes to switching out clothes is to put Winter clothes in one wash basket, and Summer clothes in another. When it is time to swap them, I just grab the basket and pop it on the shelf in the closet.

Having your seasonal clothing in reach makes it easy to grab something when the calendar forgets it’s Fall and sends 70-degree weather.

Don’t have enough Fall clothing? Make a list and then spend some time shopping as a reward for all your hard work.

Clean Out And Replace Old Spices When You Fall Clean In 20 Minutes

After a long summer, food tastes different and it may be time for you to change up your spice rack. If you are a frequent cook, you probably will go through your spices pretty quickly and not have to worry about them being expired.

If you are like me and don’t go through them that often, consider throwing away anything that is expired just in case it’s been there for a while. Haven’t used the spice at all? Then eliminate it from your spice rack. Keep a list of substitutes handy if you need it for a single recipe.

A new spice rack or basket can also give your kitchen a fresh look. Keep your Summer spices in a basket and rotate them to the back. Fall is the perfect time to highlight spices like cinnamon, pumpkin pie, ginger, nutmeg, and more.

This is the perfect time to make a simmer pot to make your kitchen smell like Fall. Here are a few that I think you will enjoy:

You Can Fall Clean In 20 Minutes Or Less By Organizing Your Bills And Desk Area

I have to admit, this is my least favorite area to deal with when I am Fall cleaning. Or Spring cleaning. Or starting to work on the family budget. And the sad part is that you really can organize your desk area in less than 20 minutes.

What do you need to do this? A trash can, a shredder, and a few file folders. Grab a stack off your desk, sit on the floor, and work quickly. Junk mail? Toss it in the trash can. Outdated utility bills or medical papers? Add them to the shred pile. For things that you need to keep, add them to the appropriate file folder.

Work through every stack of papers until the desk is clean. Take a moment to wipe it down, then put the file folders neatly on the desk. Run the junk mail out to the bin and then relax with a Fall beverage while you shred the papers.

If it takes a little longer than 20 minutes, don’t beat yourself up. Just finish up and move on.

Create A Filing System For Your Kids’ And Other Papers

It has been a really long time since I had to do any kind of organizing for papers that my kids bring home from school. I think I am really out of touch with what is out there, but I do remember that file folders were my favorite.

Organize kids papers to Fall clean in 20 minutes or less

If new schoolwork is coming in daily, you may need to create a better system for keeping track of it. Or if your kids have a messy homework area, take some time to clean it out and put everything in the proper bins or folders.

Here are more ideas to get you started:

Do A Quick Home Walkthrough

When you’re going through every room of your home, take a look at the walls and ceilings to see if there are any small cracks that have developed this year; if this is the case, make a point to get them fixed before cold weather sets in.

Consider ways to insulate your home for the Fall by adding window film or insulation to outside wall outlets and light switches. Take a few moments to review your homeowner’s policy and check your smoke detectors.

I hope you see how easy it is to Fall clean in 20 minutes or less those areas that are often forgotten. Spend a few days doing them, and you will have a well-organized home to enjoy during the cold Winter months.

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